Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Sarah Palin equals ratings you betcha

Say what you will about the Former Governor, she grabs eyeballs. Huge crowds of eyeballs that don't blink until the third commercial in the station break that follows the tease about the next Sarah Palin story. "Coming up next, what is in Sarah Palin's inbox? We’ll take a peak right after this." Toyota ad, Ameritrade ad, blink. "Mainstream Media" can bank on a Palin story bringing the noise. Their "Sarah Palin" story numbers are almost as good as the numbers that Fox News gets from running "Sarah Palin gets attacked by Mainstream Media stories."

The “Mainstream Media” reported the story that the Palin’s emails were released to the public under the Freedom of Information Act. They ran footage of hand trucks with boxes of paper. Then they moved on to the next story. Something about Weiner’s crotch no doubt. But that was just the beginning for Fox News. Fox News grabbed all the available footage of those boxes of paper, close-up shots, extreme close up of the labels on the boxes, medium shot of gleeful “pinheads” salivating over all this potential muck . Then the three-commentator panels began discussing it. The host moderated the comments from the left and right. This happened on almost every single Fox News show for a week. Poor Juan Williams and the other token “lefties” must have been paying writers for material just to have enough things to say about this topic. And every single story ended with the same self-satisfied line: “So far, nobody has found anything damaging.”

The reason they didn’t find anything damaging is simple enough. There’s nothing to find! That’s my biggest complaint about Palin, there’s no substance there. She brings nothing to the table but a tray of drinks! She’s a RedBox for b-roll. Palin at a rally, wearing biker leather. Palin in a t-shirt, Palin in a business suit. You can have footage of Palin in almost any context you want including a New York Pizzeria nudging a slice around with Donald Trump. Contrived much?

Can we please stop with the cheap sexual tension ploy of “will she or won’t she” and start taking this election seriously. There happens to be a very bright, very accomplished business person, and astute Politician who has actually stood up and said, “President Obama is a one-term President!” And if that’s not enough for ya, she’s pretty too. She could legislate circles around the President and I’d be happy to push the gurney he’d need after a debate with her. Does anyone seriously think Palin can come up with the necessary facts in a quick-witted fashion fast enough to avoid embarrassing the party. Come on, Katie Couric ate her lunch. Talk about not ready for the Varsity squad.

But she brings the numbahs! People are at least thinking about the upcoming election and that’s a good thing. She polarizes and mesmerizes. She’s keeping this election in the opening block of news casts and not with seedy indiscretions involving iPhones and body parts. She serves a very good purpose right now but she is just not qualified to serve as the President of the United States that was founded by the likes of Washington, Jefferson and Jay. She’s just not qualified to carry the mantle of leadership of the greatest country ever built. This country defeated the Nazis, the Communists and the Taliban. We deserve a leader who grasps that greatness enough to not be caught flat-footed by a question about our historic roots.

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