Monday, June 13, 2011

"We've got the largest economy in the world....

...We've got the best workers in the world. We've got the best universities. We've got the most successful companies. We've got everything we need." And yet we are still tanking!

In his most recent address regarding the economy, Mr. President read the list of all we've got going for us and hopes we don't notice that we are still in worse shape. He said repeatedly, "We did not get in this overnight and we won't get out of it over night." Hmph, that's subtle. I'd have more respect for him he just said it plainly "President Bush had eight years. I want eight years too."

In one of the most insulting comments I've ever heard this President make, he claims the jobs his administration is creating are too complicated for Americans. Jobs are being created but we can't find any American workers smart enough to fill them. All the qualified candidates are coming out of India and China because our graduates aren't smart enough. First, if you want to create jobs for China and India, go occupy their White Houses. Secondly, don't get me started on how the public school system, long time political ally of the Democratic party, has failed this country.

He also said he wanted to hear every smart idea his team has about creating jobs. That’s no surprise because he obviously doesn’t have any. Let me clear it up for ya POTUS. You and every other politician living on the taxpayer’s dime couldn’t create a job if you’re free lunch depended on it. The only thing you guys know about creating jobs is what you overheard from conversations at your fundraising events. The people who come to your events with actual money, have that money because they have created jobs. The smartest thing you could do is just get out of their way.

The plan I keep hearing from President Obama is to tax the “rich” more. I’m no economic professor but even I know that for every tax dollar you force the business owners to pay YOU is a dollar they can’t pay ME. You’re just pushing your way to head of the line to make sure you get their money before I have a chance to earn it. You big bully! And don’t start that “You can’t trust the rich not to send the jobs overseas” jive. If I owned a business, the last thing I’d want to do is travel eight thousand miles and clear customs to check on it. We’d all rather plant a business three blocks from our house. BTW- when can we expect some of our soldiers who are overseas to come home? You mentioned something about an exit strategy. I guess it’s okay for you to send people overseas.

Enough already. Stop blaming President Bush. You came into office with the Senate and House majority. You controlled all of government. Your projects were jammed through before we could read them. You were handed a country with “everything we need.” You accomplished nothing.

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