Monday, June 13, 2011

Tell Me How You're Gonna Win

If you’d kindly just tell me the facts, I can draw my own conclusion. Spare me the spin and the soundbite. Don’t try to be the traffic cop in my head. I know I’m more likely to find the gunman from the grassy knoll than get a straight answer from a politician in the world of high-stakes Texas Hold’Em Politics but that’s all I need.

Here we are again, clicking to the top of the first plunge of the Presidential Campaign roller coaster. And I’m not happy with the GOP. Cain’s “Political Rookie But Successful in Life” card is playing well. His numbers are keeping all but Trump and Palin’s big toe out of the water. Palin and Trump are waiting for their polling numbers to hit a magic number. Or someone else’s to drop . Cowards. There’s a whining former Governor What’shisname from New Mexico who’d stand a better chance of winning if he never spoke in public. And then there are the Contenders.

I call them contenders because they’ve at least declared their intentions. They stood in front of us and said in a loud clear voice :”Pick me, I can do better.” I respect that. I can support someone, warts and all, if he OR SHE will just straighten their back bone and say that.

I like what I hear from Bachman, and for her sake, wish Palin would either get in or go away. Until Palin fades back into her cable shows, Bachman is relegated to the undercard fight for Ms. President. That’s too bad. She’s a good political mind that’s getting overshadowed by this swimsuit competition that Palin brings.

I like Pawlenty for proposing something about the economy. He’s got the likability of a Chemistry teacher so I don’t like his chances but I respect him. I like Santorum for standing up but he’s a Senator, not a Governor. Senators make great Cabinet members. They come in with great ideas but not enough political skill to implement them. Governors have learned how to make opposing sides of the aisle cooperate. Senators don’t develop that muscle.

Then there’s Mitt, with his Dudley DoRight chin sitting atop a big pile of campaign contributions. “President Obama has failed.” Ummmm, duh! Can you tell us what you’ll do differently?

There’s the Ron Paul Revolution, the sequel, yawn. He would give us a lot of speeches about what’s wrong with Washington while having no real impact. He just doesn’t have the political capital. Much like Huntsman, utterly dismissed at this point.

None have shown they can do the most important thing which is win. It really doesn’t matter what they would do with the economy, taxes or military if they can’t convince 51% of the country that they can do better. If they don’t, we’ll have a President who no longer has to court voters and can uncork his real political goals. Spare me your spin. Tell me how you’re going to save me from that. You’ll have my vote.

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